Lot Number
: Z000002
Lot Title : A Pair of Silkworm in Gilt Copper
Date of Origin : Han Dynasty
Country of Origin : China
Material : Gilt Bronze
Measurements : Around 7.0 x 2.2 cm
Lot Quantity : 1 Pair
Estimate :

It is quite rare to find a gilt silkworm. In the ancient time (Han or West Choi), people trested silkworm as the symbol for future world, because the silkworm wraps itsef in the coccon, but eventually still breaks the cocoon to a new life.

Still have some question about their period, but look at their patina and red rust, they should still have some age. If someone can provide comment or knowledge, it is more than welcome.
Condition and Additional Specification:
Patina and Red Rust

鎏金銅蠶首見于石泉縣. 據《石泉縣誌》記載, 此地古代養蠶業就很興盛. 由於當時養蠶之風盛行, 加之鎏金工藝的發展, 因而, 有條件以鎏金蠶作紀念品或殉葬品. 漢代的養蠶繅絲業達到高峰. 大的作坊, 均為官府經營, 織工多達數千人, 絲織品顏色鮮豔, 花紋多樣, 做工極為精緻. 西漢絲織品不僅暢銷國內.而且能途徑西亞行銷中亞和歐洲, 中國通往西域的商路以絲綢之路馳名於世界.
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