Lot Number
: M000001
Lot Title : State Foundation Commemorative Money of ROC (One Dollar)
Date of Origin : Republic
Country of Origin : China
Material : Silver, Copper
Measurements : 3.9 x 3.9 cm
Lot Quantity : 1
Estimate :

Description (guaranteed):

Never thought about I would buy a piece of silver coin. I was visiting the doctor for my flu and while waiting in the line, I saw a small shop next to the clinic displaying with several Japanese Silver Coin. The price was not high, and I thought it was really a bargain so bought several pieces.

Next day, I visited the jade market in Taipei then found out many more of silver coins on a stand. The owner said those were reference coin, politely meaning fake one. He said if I buy a reference coin, he can teach me how to tell the difference. Never thought about a small coin also has such a great knowledge behind. So, never think you can get benefits from other people whom you think they don't know the stuff and don't know the value. See more, learn more, ask more, and buy less is the best strategy.

After initial understanding, got much more confidence, and right away forgot about what I just said. Saw the owner had several Commemorative Money of ROC, and wanted to own several really silver coins for reference. Those are State Foundation Coins of ROC, very memorable.

Returning home, surfing more information about silver coin from the net. To identify the real coins is not really a difficult thing. I put together more information about how to identify the real silver coins for future reference. Please see below information.
Condition and Additional Specification:

大日本明治龍銀, 又稱大日本明治龍洋. 皆為90%純銀和10%銅合金而成. 製作精美, 工差分明. 傳世頗多, 仿品亦多. 以下是個人揣摩出來的幾種日本龍洋辨偽 (日本龍銀辨偽)方法以供參考:

1. 許多仿品製造簡陋, 用料不實. 為降低偽造成本, 大部分仿品是用鐵鍍銀. 聰明的你, 該知道最簡單, 且不花錢的辨識方法是什麼了吧? 沒錯, 就是用吸鐵石. 真的是銀, 吸不住, 假的是鐵, 黏不放.

2. 如果不是用鐵鍍銀呢? 沒關係. 用手去摸一摸. 真的感覺有層次(淺雕龍鱗). 假的摸起來滑滑的. 千萬不要相信賣家說因為年代久遠所以磨平.

3. 聽音也是一個好方法. 真的敲出來噹的聲音, 稍有迴音. 假的是叮的聲音, 很輕脆. 這乃銀跟鐵基本的不同音.

4.工差及重量也是判別的好方法. 龍洋製作嚴謹, 工差及重量控制良好. 譬如明治三年一圓銀幣(有輪) 發行枚數:3.685.049枚 重量:26.96 G 直徑:38.58 MM ( 成份:銀90%、銅10%) 決無差錯, 假的則稍輕.

5. 作工及模具. 真的史稱“名之金工”. 可見雕工之精細, 講求模具細節. 三刺龍,淺雕,接桐葉. 假的在細微處, 多以模糊處理. 最容易看出來的地方是外圈的”齒輪”. 真的清楚分明, 假的模糊, 且短, 甚至不見.

6. 寶光呈色. 這比較難界定, 但是有經驗著, 可以從銀幣所呈現的光澤來判斷真假. 真的龍洋歷史上百年, 寶光呈現迷人的紫灰色氧化現象,俱原鑄銀光, 當然與假的大不同.

7. 發行年份. 日本從明治三年起才開始正式生產龍洋. 所以年份不對一定是假的. 我之前買到一個明治一年的龍洋, 還很得意, 當然做了冤大頭. 明治貿易銀也是一圓龍洋, 只有在明治八、九、十年三個年份發行. 共發行枚數:3.056.638枚. 聽說七年有試行, 但無法確認. 不在這些年發行的明治貿易銀應為假貨.

8. 最保險的方法還是找一個可信任的行號或藏家, 多看, 多學, 多問, 少買.

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