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B000150 |
藏品品名 |
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鎏金銅 阿彌陀佛坐像 |
年 代 |
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五代 (隋) |
國 家 |
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中國 |
材 質 |
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鎏金銅 |
尺 寸 |
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9 x 6 cm |
物  件  數
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1 (帶座,盒 |
估 價 |
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紹: |
五代 五代時期(907-960)是繼南北朝之後,中國歷史上再次出現的大動亂時代,位於唐朝滅亡至北宋統一之過渡時期。五代末後周世宗顯德之毀佛(955),廢拆寺院、毀像鑄錢,收鐘磬鈸鐸、詔毀銅制佛像,以所毀像鑄周通錢,世稱「一宗之厄」。一時天下佛寺廢毀、經籍散佚,佛像幾滅,文物日下,至此北方的佛教造像藝術趨於衰落,經濟重心亦逐漸由北方的黃河流域向南方的長江流域轉移。
本件佛像便是在這樣的歷史脈絡中出現,在藝術層面上承接了晚唐以來豐腴華麗的特色,又啟開宋代古典寫實的風格,富有極高的歷史意涵。 此尊五代時期的阿彌陀佛坐像,頭飾螺發,頂現肉髻,額頭窄且扁平,面頰豐滿,溫和端祥,線條簡潔明瞭,五官刻畫清晰,雙腿結跏趺坐於台座上,身披佛衣,衣紋層迭細緻,質感表現佳,給人以生動柔麗的藝術美感。本件銅鎏金作品造型端莊大方,氣韻生動,比例合宜,體現了極高的雕刻藝術和鑄造工藝水準,是為標準的五代時期造像。 現藏湖州市博物館,出土于湖州飛英塔的一件五代吳越國時期的(銅阿彌陀佛坐像),與之極為相似,可做賞鑒。
特別說明: |
The bronze is in an excellent state of preservation. While the high points of the gilding are somewhat rubbed, as can easily be seen in the photos, most of the original gilding remains. The details are incised and well delineated. There is some minor encrustation under the base which was left un-gilt, and on the recessed areas in the back of the sculpture.
Disclaimer: We make every effort to accurately describe all items offered for sale. As we specialize in certain antique artworks, we encourage you to use your own judgment and expert advice for dating and valuing items. We cannot make any guarantees as to the actual age of any items offered for sale, as opinions are known to vary from one expert to the next. |