藏品品名 青銅釋迦牟尼佛像
年  代 17 世紀
國  家 中國
材  質
尺  寸 29 x 17 cm
物  件  數
估  價

介 紹:

此尊釋迦牟尼佛結跏趺坐在蓮座上,雙手置臍前結禪定印, 架裟衣飾貼體俐落,衣紋流暢生動, 自然飄垂。釋迦牟尼像高肉髻,雙耳及肩, 臉微頜,面相豐滿端正,寬額豐頤。五官位置勻停,高鼻薄唇,眼瞼略俯視,表情靜穆柔和,略含笑意,表情深沈內省。身著袒胸佛衣,衣紋起伏凸顯,轉折流暢自然,如行雲流水,富有立體感,尤其是雙肩衣紋的轉折造型頗為獨特。胸部露出內束的裙腰,邊緣呈折帶紋,翻卷自如。整體身軀凸顯,體型飽滿。特別是手腳的刻劃柔軟生動,富有寫實性和生命力。釋迦佛結跏趺坐於仰覆蓮束腰台座,台座上下層束腰內收呈銳角狀,蓮瓣細瘦,挺拔飽滿,宛如菊花瓣,極有彈性和力度感。蓮瓣的內緣紋飾飽滿,尖端部上矗。主蓮瓣間露出底層蓮瓣一角,微微上翹,是標準的明代蓮花座形式。


The bronze is in an excellent state of preservation. Most of the orginal cobalt blue and lacquer are somewhat rubbed off, as can easily be seen in the photos. The details are incised and well delineated. There are some minor encrustations under the base which were left un-gilt, and on the recessed areas in the back of the sculpture.

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