藏品品名 石雕觀音佛頭像
年  代
國  家 中國
材  質
尺  寸 37 x 25 cm
物  件  數
估  價

介 紹:

這尊石雕觀音佛頭像是我跟另外一尊阿彌陀佛石像一起買下來的. 店家有好多石雕佛像, 我一看到這佛頭像時就覺得祂面相非常吸引人, 線條非常優雅, 所以跟店家要求好點的價錢一起買下來了. 希望有一天找到這尊佛像的身子, 能將祂還原供奉.

這尊石雕觀音佛頭像, 頭頂寶冠, 雕工非常細膩, 上崁阿彌陀佛寶像, 神態安祥, 雙目下視, 蘊含慈善寶光, 極為寫實.

店家將底座重新噴漆上色, 更顯佛像的尊榮.

The stone statue is in an excellent state of preservation considering its age. While the high points of the surface are somewhat rubbed as nature age marks, and can easily be seen in the photos, most of the original color remains. The details are incised and well delineated. There are some minor chips in front, and on the areas in the back of the sculpture.

Disclaimer: We make every effort to accurately describe all items offered for sale. As we specialize in consigned antique artwork, we encourage you to use your own judgment and expert advice for dating and valuing items. We cannot make any guarantees as to the actual age of any items offered for sale, as opinions are known to vary from one expert to the next.
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