藏品品名 布袋和尚, 彌勒佛像
年  代 18世紀
國  家 中國
材  質
尺  寸 16 x 14.5 cm
物  件  數
估  價

介 紹:

這尊布袋和尚, 彌勒佛像造型極為古樸, 逸趣十足. 佛像笑容可掬, 大耳垂肩, 相當福態, 右手放置在金銀財寶袋上, 露胸袒腹, 坐在法臺上. 是尊清代彌勒佛銅雕, 這類老彌勒確屬收藏珍品.

Compare to similar figures of Budai, $8,207 USD, Christies 2010

Compare to similar figures of Budai, $5,124 USD, Mossgreen 2012

The bronze is in an excellent state of preservation. While some points of the bronze are somewhat rubbed, as can easily be seen in the photos. The details are incised and well delineated. There are some encrustations under the arm , base, and on the recessed areas in the back of the sculpture.

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