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B000068 |
藏品品名 |
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石雕阿彌陀佛頭 |
年 代 |
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16 世紀 |
國 家 |
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中國 |
材 質 |
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石 |
尺 寸 |
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50 cm |
物  件  數
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1 (有座) |
估 價 |
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紹: |
這是我早期買的石雕阿彌陀佛頭,很大,很重。不忍看他流落街頭,趕緊買下來,再特別訂製一個底座,讓他重新立起來,佛眼看天下。希望有一天他能回到他的祖廟,跟真身再合而為一。未w無量 阿彌陀佛
佛陀的髮髻為高螺髮,密集排列。肉髻上有髻寶,點綴在髮髻之上,異常醒目。佛陀寬額,呈圓弧形。雙眉弧線微挑,雙目低垂,處在禪定狀態中,鼻梁修直,鼻翼寬廣,雙唇微抿含笑,耳垂明顯拉長下垂 (有傷),均是佛的特徵之一。此尊造像的特點在面部表現最為突出:比如微挑的眉毛、額寬下頦窄,半闔的眼睛,表情柔和,神態自然優雅,充滿慈愛的形象。
特別說明: |
The stone is in a good state of preservation considering its age. Most of the original decorated lines remain. The details are incised and well delineated. There are chips around the statue as shown on photo, and the drill marks in the bottom of the sculpture.
Disclaimer: We make every effort to accurately describe all items offered for sale. As we specialize in certain antique artworks, we encourage you to use your own judgment and expert advice for dating and valuing items. We cannot make any guarantees as to the actual age of any items offered for sale, as opinions are known to vary from one expert to the next. |