藏品品名 鐵臥佛通體滿工
年  代 建國初
國  家 中國
材  質
尺  寸 28 cm
物  件  數
估  價

介 紹:

這尊臥佛非常可愛, 臉帶微笑, 袒胸大肚, 身著佛珠, 左手搔腦, 右手持扇, 翹著二郎腿, 大姆指微微翹起, 煞是悠閒, 怡然自得. 背臥金山銀寶, 天下財寶盡入口袋.

The iron is in an excellent state of preservation. While the high points of the statue are somewhat rubbed, as can easily be seen in the photos. The details are incised and well delineated. There are some encrustations under the base, and on the recessed areas in the back of the sculpture.
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