藏品品名 鎏金舍利塔
年  代 17 世紀
國  家 中國
材  質 鎏金銅
尺  寸 8 x 5.6 cm
物  件  數
估  價

介 紹:

這件鎏金舍利塔小巧, 但是非常精緻, 襯以蓮花底座, 上置寶殿, 周身鏨刻雕花,城牆天梯, 樣式古樸, 造型細膩. 寶殿可拿起, 裝置舍利子於經筒中. 我第一次看到這件鎏金舍利塔時並沒有很想買, 但是回家後有個好玩底的想法, 何不買下它來裝我的牙齒, 豈不甚好? 心意一定, 馬上把它買下來. 嘿嘿, 幾百年後說不定也是一件寶物, 變成牙仙呢.

The bronze is in an excellent state of preservation. While the high points of the gilding are somewhat rubbed, as can easily be seen in the photos, most of the original gilding remains. The details are incised and well delineated. There is some minor encrustation under the base which was left un-gilt.
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