藏品品名 普賢菩薩吋佛, 隨身佛
年  代 19 世紀
國  家 西藏
材  質 鎏金銅
尺  寸 5 x 4 cm
物  件  數
估  價

介 紹:

Description (guaranteed):

這尊普賢菩薩是跟鎏金長壽佛一起買的. 小巧可愛, 但是非常精細傳神. 全身由七寶黃銅鑄成, 金澤瑩燦, 頭頂五葉寶冠, 面目清晰, 身戴項圈, 瓔珞, 手鐲等飾物. 肩後帛帶輕盈飄起, 垂收於兩腋之下, 裙褲鏨花. 菩薩胸膛勁挺, 端坐於象身上, 左手施說法印, 右手持金剛杵, 雙腳略開, 左足微向內彎, 非常活潑, 寫實. 大象造型生動且有拙趣, 是標準有漢地風格的西藏十八世紀造像.


The bronze is in an excellent state of preservation. While the high points of the gilding are somewhat rubbed, as can easily be seen in the photos, most of the original gilding remains. The details are incised and well delineated. There is some minor encrustation under the base which was left un-gilt, and on the recessed areas in the back of the sculpture.
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