Description (guaranteed):
Seated on the back of a recumbant snow leopard in lalitasana, with jewel-spitting mongoose in left hand, right hand raised (originally to hold a victory banner), an offering bowl of jewels in front of him, all on a lotus base, remnants of pigment, unsealed.
又稱多聞天王或財寶護法,為八大護法之一. 財寶護法位於北方,為北方的守護神,主財,以雪獅子座騎,膚色暗藍,右手揮舞勝利幢,左手握持嘴唌珠寶之鼬鼠.
Wear to gilding, scattered nicks, casting flaws and holes, particularly in the back, lacks victory banner.
Designation: Purchased from Sotheby's New York
Measurements: 6 1/8 ins. (15.6 cm.), width 5 1/2 ins. (14 cm.),
depth 3 1/2 ins. (8.8 cm.)